Artist: sleepy.ab
Genre: indie/post-rock/shoegaze/experimental/surreal
Album: face the music
Label: Chameleon
Released: 2002.12.11
Info: mp3 / cbr / 192 kbps / 46.67 MB / tt 33:47
01. ilm
02. Scene
03. Anomarokaris
04. Hush
05. face the music
06. Must it be?
07. 幻想曲
08. PAIN
09. ilm
Download: 4shared
uploaded by Rinka!
Album: traveling fair
Label: Chameleon
Released: 2004.05.26
Info: mp3 / cbr / 192 kbps / 81.23 MB / tt 58:41
1. aufheben
2. inside
3. 夢の花
4. spinal code
5. traveling fair
6. fluid
7. 現実の箍
8. mute a feel
9. only in dream
10. 自由の果て
11. 24
Download: 4shared
uploaded by Rinka!
Album: palette
Released: 2006.03.08
Info: mp3 / cbr / 320 kbps / 90.65 MB / tt 39:33
1. 四季ウタカタ
2. メロディ
3. mass gymnastic display
4. palette
5. white
6. 遊泳スローモーション
7. parallel world
8. ホログラム
Download: 4shared
uploaded by Rinka!
Album: sleepy.ab LIVE@Sapporo Artpark
Released: 2006.12.27
Info: mp3 / 192 kbps / 33.7 MB / tt 24:33
1. white
2. traveling fair
3. メロディ
4. palette
5. scene
Download: 4shared
uploaded by Rinka!
Album: fantasia
Released: 2007.03.07
Info: mp3 / cbr / 320 kbps / 98.15 MB / tt 42:39
1. なんとなく
2. ループ
3. 賛歌
4. メリーゴーランド
5. arcadia
6. sonar
7. 写真
8. ユキムシ
Download: 4shared
uploaded by Rinka!
Album: archive
Label: WESS RECORDS/Chameleon Label
Released: 2008.02.06
Info: mp3 / 192 kbps / 94.7 MB / tt 68:52
01. ねむろ *new track
02. PAIN *new take
03. Scene *new take
04. inside *new take
05. 夢の花 *new take
06. メロディ
07. 四季ウタカタ
08. なんとなく
09. メリーゴーランド
10. 雪中花 *new track
11. white (live) - bonus track -
12. メロディ (live) - bonus track -
Download: MU
uploaded by Rinka!
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