Artist: Heaven In Her Arms
Genre: screamo/experimental/post-hardcore/post-rock/progressive
Album: 黒斑の侵蝕 / Erosion of the black speckle

Released: 2008.01.09
Info: mp3 / cbr / 192 kbps / 78.74 MB / tt 57:15

01. 声明 / Manifesto
02. 痣で埋まる / Filled Up With A Bruise
03. 交差配列 / Intersection Arrangement
04. 鉄線とカナリア / Iron Wire And A Canary
05. 舌下錠 / A Sublingual Tablet
06. 相関記号 / Correlative Sign
07. 脱化 / Get Out
08. 白い浴槽で溺死した均衡 / The Balance Drowned In A White Tub
09. 明度八の偏愛 / Partiality of Luminosity Eight
10. 転依 / Recursive Dependency
11. 赤い夢 / Red Dream
12. 黒斑の侵蝕 / Erosion of the Black Speckle


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